RotEarth RotEarth RotEarth my Astro Page...

Listen to my favourite song :
The Planet Song from Blue's Clues...

We have purchased a Meade ETX-90EC Astro Telescope in November 1999...
an ETX-125EC for Christmas 1999...
and on 26th of January my "minor-upgrade", the 12" LX-200 has arrived!

LX200 and me ETX-125 and the ETX-90

Well, my astronomy passions is kinda on a hold for a while, while my little ones grow up... ;-)
Meanwhile : I am still learning and experimenting with the 12" (like for ever), but getting better
as probably the photos show... I have added some new pictures to the below referenced
Mars, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Moon collections... Both ETXs were quite decent little telescopes, great for viewing.
I took some photographs to show what they are kind of capable of, using the SONY Digital Mavica through the
26mm SPlossl eyepiece. There are also some pictures taken with the 12" both using EyePiece-paper-photograpy
and scanning + processing, as well as just straight digitalpics with the DSC-F55 we have. Have a look at my :

Astro Photos :

(Click on the images to go to the page)
Orion Nebula The Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn The Moon Leonids
- or -

- Some of the

Iridium Flares
- The Partial Solar Eclipse on 10/Jun/2002
- The Leonids meteor shower on 2001 Nov.17
- The Sun
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- The Moon (Movie)
- M42, the Orion Nebula

You can check out my equipments and accessories I am using...

Here is a comparison on different eyepieces for photographies...Pretty useful to check what you can see with different eyepieces...

The graininess on the 35mm film is barely noticable, the Moon was nice with a 2 second exposure (f/13.5)
but the color seemed better with the 1/8 second exposure, too bad the shutter vibration ruined some of the pictures on
the small scopes... I also took some picture of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter, and turned out, that ~1 sec exposure
is the best for Jupiter and ~3 for Saturn. (100ASA Kodak Color Gold, eyepiece photography)
I've mounted my small sun-filter for the ETX-90 (3.5inch) onto my 12"LX200 with a help of a trashcan-lid and took
some pictures of the increased sunspot activity on March/30/2001.

Info on astro-conditions in Foster City, CA (near SanFrancisco)
Info on Jupiter's Red Spot

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