- Jupiter -

Taken with ETX-90, ETX-125 and 12"LX200

12" LX200 :

LX200 Jupiter picture

Finally a relatively good shot from the light polluted Silicon Valley...
(6.7mm UWA Meade eyepiece, Sony CyberShot DSC-S85 digital camera)
Jan / 20 / 2002, Foster City, CA

LX200 Jupiter picture

...just a simple contrast enhancement on the above picture...

LX200 Jupiter picture

...Mask for further contrast enhancements
produced by my custom-written mask-generator algorithm...
( Quick color-space distance analysis )

LX200 Jupiter picture

...using the above mask to further refine enhancements...

LX200 Jupiter picture

...with one of its moon.
(7mm Nagler eyepiece, Sony CyberShot DSC-S85 digital camera)
Jan / 29 / 2003, Foster City, CA

LX200 Jupiter picture

(7mm Nagler eyepiece, yellow filter, Sony CyberShot DSC-F55 digital camera)
Jan / 17 / 2001, Foster City, CA

LX200 Jupiter picture

Photo taken with my Canon Kiss on a 100 Kodak Color Gold
using a 2X Sparks Barlow and the 7mm Nagler and for eyepiece photography.
Jan / 17 / 2001, Foster City, CA

LX200 Jupiter picture

An artifical coloring from the above picture to show some of the details on the bandings.
(Image enhancement with my program written in C/Linux, yes, under development...)

LX200 Jupiter picture

...with 3 of its moon with a yellow filter.
Photo taken with my Canon Kiss on a 100 Kodak Color Gold
using the 7mm Nagler for eyepiece photography.
Jan / 17 / 2001, Foster City, CA

LX200 Jupiter picture

(old picture with 8mm Meade zoomeyepiece, no filtering)

ETX-125 :

ETX125 Jupiter picture

(You can definitely recognize the belts...)

ETX-90 :

ETX90 Jupiter picture

(You can "feel" the 2 orange belts...)

Go to the Photos... or to the Saturn page...