- Saturn -

Taken with ETX-90, ETX-125 and 12"LX200

12" LX200 :

Finally 3 "decent" shots from the heart of the light polluted Silicon Valley :

LX200 Saturn picture
(4.7mm UWA Meade eyepiece, Canon EOS-10D RAW processed)
Jan / 11 / 2004, Foster City, CA

LX200 Saturn picture
(6.7mm UWA Meade eyepiece, Sony CyberShot DSC-S85 digital camera)
Jan / 20 / 2002, Foster City, CA

LX200 Saturn picture
(7.0mm Nagler eyepiece, Sony CyberShot DSC-S85 digital camera)
Jan / 28 / 2003, Foster City, CA

LX200 Saturn picture

The Cassini Division was clearly visible, as well as some banding...
(7mm Nagler eyepiece and yellow filter, Sony CyberShot DSC-F55 digital camera)
Jan / 17 / 2001, Foster City, CA

LX200 Saturn picture

Without ANY filtering.
(7mm Nagler eyepiece, Sony CyberShot DSC-F55 digital camera)
Jan / 17 / 2001, Foster City, CA

LX200 Saturn picture

Photo taken with my Canon Kiss on a 100 Kodak Color Gold
using the 7mm Nagler for eyepiece photography.
Jan / 17 / 2001, Foster City, CA

LX200 Saturn picture

An artifical coloring from the above picture to show the ring details.
(Image enhancement with my program written in C/Linux)

ETX-125 :

ETX125 Saturn picture

with the Barlow 2X magnifier...

ETX-90 :

ETX90 Saturn picture

The view with the "naked" eye was a bit better, but smaller...
So, I zoomed in with the Digicam, and it blurred it.

ETX90 Saturn Barlow picture

with the Barlow 2X magnifier...

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