- Mars -

Taken with my 12"LX200

4.7mm Meade UWA eyepiece-projected, Canon EOS-10D (1/8")
Aug / 26 / 2003, Foster City, CA
Move you mouse over the image to see feature IDs !
This is how the Solar System looked on this day...

Aug / 30 / 2003, Foster City, CA

LX200 Mars EOS-10D picture

Canon EOS-10D piggybacking...
Aug / 22 / 2003, Foster City, CA

LX200 Mars EOS-10D picture

7mm Nagler eyepiece-projected, Canon EOS-10D (1/8")
Aug / 13 / 2003, Foster City, CA

LX200 Mars picture

7mm Nagler eyepiece, 2x Barlow, Sony CyberShot DSC-F55 digital camera
May / 30 / 2001, Foster City, CA

LX200 Mars enhanced picture

Using a touch of color enhancement on the above picture.

LX200 Mars enhanced picture

This picture was scanned by Gábor from one of my negatives, 2400dpi and
saved in a raw 16bit per RGB format (more than 47 Megabytes!).
Using my program, I analyzed the picture, remapped the
valuable data-range to the 8bit per RGB range,
than cropped and color-enhanced it.

LX200 Mars picture

An artifical coloring from the top picture to show some of the details.
(Image enhancement with my program written in C/Linux, yes, under development...)

LX200 Mars picture

Just an other phase...
I removed the surrounding noise, thus the deep black background...
(Again, image enhancement with my program written in C/Linux...)

LX200 Mars picture

An other scanned picture by Gabor...
I wrote a Red/Green/Blue shifter in my program to compensate
for the optical color-shift effect...

LX200 Mars picture

Some of the phases...

Solar System on Aug/27/2003

This is how the Solar System looked on Aug/27/2003
Using Equinox-3D running under Linux with the Solar System Plugin I wrote with Gábor...

Go to the Photos... or to the Jupiter page...