WeightWatcher WeightWatcher WeightWatcher

(downloading is at the bottom)

First Screen This is what you should get at the very first time
you run the application. Notice the 'No User'
label in the bottom-left corner. This means, that
you have to set the user first in order to determine
which database to use for storing future information.
An other reason to create & select a user first is to
set your preferences on your height, measurement
-system and gender...
In the future, check the lower-left corner to see
which user is currently being set, thus who's
database is the application working with...

Look at the Menu
To select any other functionality in the application
use the menus. Either use the Palm's menu button on
the silk-screen (left from where you write the letters)
or simply tap on the top label. (Weight Watcher Input)
As we talked about in the previous block, you have to
create & select a user first, for which you choose the
(User) menupoint.
This will lead you to the next page :

Enter New User
Here, you can create, select and delete users.
To create a new user, tap on the entry-field next
to the 'New User :' and use the standard Palm
input-methods to enter a name. (Graffity or pop
up the keyboard with the little 'a' in the lower-left
corner in the letter-input area on the silk-screen)
You can use maximum 8 characters for the user names.
Once you entered the name, press the (Add) button.
Note : If you create 2 or more identical names, you
may use either of them to access your database.

Select a User
Once you have several users defined, you can use
the list to select which database you're planning
to work with. (Who you are, who's database you
are going to modify)
To get the list, simply tap on the little triangle
or on the user name, next to the triangle.
Once the list is up, just tap on the user
you wish to select.

No more users can be added...
This version supports 'only' 8 users.
If somebody contacts me to add support
fo more users, it can be easily arranged...

Add data
Ok, going back a bit. This is the INPUT page,
where you can set your preferences, such as the
Imperial/Metric measurement-systems, your gender
and height, which are needed for the BMI computations.
You can use the (Today) button to fill in the Date field,
as well as use the (L) button to get your last weight
to simplify your inputs.
Once you're satisfied with the data, you can add it to
your database with the (Add) button.
You will be able to delete on the 'Statistics' page...

Feedback from the program
When you press the (Add) button, your data is going
to be added to the database. If all goes well, you will
see a message like this, which tells you how many data
you have and where the last one was inserted into.
If you specify a date before the last date, the program
will take care of adding it to the appropriate place.
If you are trying to add a new data to the same day,
you will have a warning dialog to delete the previous
one on the 'Statistics' page. 1 data per day is
supported only... ("There can be only one!")

Monthly Statistics Page This the STATISTICS page, which you can select from
the menu. Here, you can see how your weight is/was
in a certain month, and check out your weight on any
given date. You also get an information on your average
weight in the shown period, which is displayed in the upper
right corner and represented by the dotted line in the graph.
Right below the graph, you see the entry-number of the
currently selected date (10.=), the selected date (02/16/2001)
and the corresponding weight on that date (72.40 kg). The
selected date is also represented in the graph with an empty
square instead of the black ones (10th from the left).
Use (<< Prev) and (Next >>) to change months and
(< Prev) and (Next >) to go to the next entry. You can
also tap on the black squares to select an entry.

Look at all your data
If you tap on the month label (- February -) in the upper
left corner, you can have a look at the statistics on not
only for a given month, but on all the stored data.
Below the graph, you can see how many entries (29) are
there and the period shown (02/01-04/01 which is february
2001 until april 2001) and what the average weight is (73.4)
Each entry represents the average for the corresponding
period. You can hop to the next period (or day if you are
showing the months) with the (< Prev) and (Next >).
You can also directly tap on the black squares here as well.

Version 1.5 :
  - Finally fixed the problem with the list if no users are available.

SONY CLIE users can use the jog-dial to navigate in the statistics page.
The (< Prev) and (Next >) buttons are mapped to down and up dial,
the (<< Prev) and (Next >>) are to push and down / up dial.

Press 'Shift' and download it! (25K)