Contraction Timer Contraction Timer Contraction Timer

(downloading is at the bottom)

Check out Judebert's Similar Program !

First Screen This is how the application looks (this is the DataEntry Page)
after a few entries have been added. You can see 2 lists,
'Beginning' on the left and 'End' on the right. These refer to
the beginnings and endings of each contractions. Use the 'Begin'
and 'End' buttons below the lists, to add a new entry. A contraction
is valid, if both lists have the matching entries. There is
room for 25 entries, since this should be enough in most cases.
If the list is full and a new entry is added, all the entries
will be shifted down, thus eliminating the oldest one.
You can scroll the list with the scroll bar, the up/down
buttons on the Palm and with the Jog on the SONY Clié.

The menus
This is the menu of the above shown DataEntry Page.
Invoking the 'Check Conditions' will cause the evaluation
routine to be called. This is useful, when you suspect, that
there might be something wrong; when you have a hunch, that
the conditions are met, but the program has not alerted you.
You will receive a detailed explanation on the evaluation results.
'Statistics Page' will give you the below explained screen.

Statistics Page
This is the 'Statistics Page' and the available menus.
This functionality was added to allow you to have a look
at the data entered on a bigger list. Again, the 'Check
Conditions' is still available from here.

O-ooh Let's Go!
For your convenience, there is also a watch running in the
upper-right corner.
Every time a contraction is over and the 'End' button was
pushed, the progam checks all the entries to see, if the
set conditions are met. These conditions include the times
between contractions, the length of the contractions and the
length of the measured period. You can set these from the
menu under 'Settings'.
The dialog also contains a phone-number, which you can
also change in the Settings page :

This is the page, where you can set all those conditions
which the evaluation routine is based on. Be careful how
you modify these fields, since an errorous entry can cause
false or missed alarms!!!
'Time between contractions' is measured from the start
of a contraction 'til the start of the next contraction.
'Computational tolerance' refers to if a +/- value is still
'OK' to be considered as a valid match. In the case shown,
5 min. and 2 seconds is still a valid entry, and if the length
is 57 seconds, it will be still evaluated as a valid match.
    The measured period is in MINUTES !!!

'Chk' process's result
If you suspect, that there is something wrong, and
you think, that the conditions are met, but don't
know why the program has not alerted you, invoke the
'Check Conditions' from the menu. This causes the
program to invoke the same evaluation routine it uses
after a new contraction has been registered, but it
will give you a detailed description on the conditions.
You can adjust your settings if you wish to alter
the evaluation routine.

Detailed report by 'Chk' process
In this example, everything seemed to match the
conditions, but the measured period is still
too short, as it is reported by the previously
described evaluating process. A useful tool... ;-)

Very detailed report from 'Chk' process
As you can see in this example, the 'Check Conditions'
process gives you a very detailed report.
If you think, that for example this contraction
which lasted for 42 seconds still should be
evaluated as a valid one, change the tolerance
value in the 'Settings'. To accept the 42 seconds,
you should set the 'computational tolerance' for
the 'Lenght of contractions' to 18 sec.
(1 minute equals 60 seconds, minus 18 seconds
for tolerance results 42 seconds)

Press 'Shift' and download it! (14K)

History :

  v2.0 Dec/12/01 :
   - Fixed a bug related to when 'End' was pressed, it caused data-corruption in the 'Number to call' field.
   - Made the 'Begin' and 'End' buttons bigger, after learning from experience, that the small ones were not big enough.
   - Added a separate 'Statistics' page, where you can see 12 entries without scrolling.