- The Hybrid 2004 Toyota Prius -
My EV mod work

( since Mar/17/2004 )

As we sadly discovered the Prius sold in the US is lacking the EV mode.
Luckily, creative people grouped up to tackle this shortcoming.
With the help of the internet, a guideline for the modifications is now
available through the Prius-Technical discussion group...
What is this EV mode ?
EV means Electric Vehicle. Describing it simply; the onboard computer has 2 modes, one is
optimizing for lifetime/performance the other is the "Stealth" mode, which tries to maximize
the electric nature of the Prius. The 1st mode will turn on the ICE ( Internal Combustion Engine )
more frequently ( as in 8 seconds after initial power up ) for keeping it warm for achieving better emission
rates and keeping the batteries in the 50~100% charge zone etc. The second mode only turns on the ICE
if the batteries get depleted to less than 20% or there is a significant load on the overall system etc.
This mode is very useful if I want to only move less than a mile. like moving for example the car from a
parking lot to the garage. It is also useful when you intend to reduce noise, such as when I arrive
home late and don't want to wake the neighbours or I drive near a hospital etc...
Unfortunately this second mode was disabled in the US version, but is available in Europe and Japan.
This 'mod' is about restoring this functionality.

After taking the glove compartment off, I located the HV ECU plugs.
A csatlakozók a kesztyütartó leszedése után váltak hozzáférhetövé.

That's the plug in question... H14/#27...
Ez a keresett H14-es dugó...

I needed access to the light-control plug for both receptacle harvesting and flash replace.
A fényszóró vezérlö csatlakozóhoz való hozzáférés...

After the modifications, I made sure that it is safe to plug it back in...
Még egy utolsó ellenörzés a visszacsatlakoztatás elött...

I secured the wire to an other batch going towards the steering column...
Szépen elvezettem a vezetéket a kormány felé...

... and connected it to the flasher.
... és rákötöttem a fénykürtre.

Works like a charm!
Thanks to Wayne Brown, Coastal Dave and efusco!
( Needless to say I am *NOT* depleting my batteries on a regular basis... nor should you... )
Eddig tökéletesen müködik...

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