- The Hybrid 2004 Toyota Prius -
Fuel and related CAN value relations

With the help of my little onboard computer, I ran some data collection on
how the CAN values change during the drive. I started these measurements
shortly after the "Add Fuel" indication showed up on the Prius's display.
As you can see, I went 48 miles after the message came up, and based on the
11.9 Gallon bladder size and my 10.529 Gallon refill, there was still 1.371 Gallon
in the tank. That means that I can go roughly 80~90 miles after the first "Add Fuel".
The below graph summarizes my measurements.

Here is the raw collected data from which the graph was derived from.

The below graph is for 415 miles after refill :

The below graph is for 210 miles after refill :

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